Angela's Log Cabin/Studio.

Just a record of how it all turned out from beginning to end.
Please excuse the mess!

This was all the stuff that came out of the shed! 
Can you believe it, is this a Tardis or a shed!

Now the job really gets started.

It's a bit sad really and the amazing thing is that apparently it was held up with four bolts!

The shed was already up here when we arrived so it's probably about 60+ years old.

Nosy dog!

Getting ready for the concrete to arrive.

Great company. 
None of this pouring it on the drive. The concrete is mixed as it comes out so you only buy what you need and the guy who delivered it helped to barrow it down the garden, how good is that!
He phoned his wife to bring a wheel barrow, can you believe that?

All done and ready for the next stage.

We had a lot of rain at this stage so thew concrete had to be protected.

Everything arrived on time and in great condition from Dunster House.
It's worth noting that the wood is Spruce not Pine which gives a much stronger finish and the Floor Bearers are pressure treated.

The logs were straight too so no problems there.

Everything goes together easily as long as you follow the instructions and keep everything square. This is important or you may find that the door wont shut properly.

Next the roof. 
This takes longer as there's lots to go on as it's all fully insulated.

And the floor too which is completed after the cabin is constructed.

The flooring comes with it but we've added some laminate flooring over the top though it's not really necessary but it looks nice.

The cupboard at the back is by Storage4Crafts and the chest of drawers is from my sister-in-law, I'm so pleased she didn't need it any more.

Hubby's been busy again and the outside now looks like this.

The inside is nearly complete and I'm looking forward to being able to get it set up. 
I think the white and pale grey has really added extra light to the inside.

It looks rather smart too.

It did already have electricity down there so that made thing easier.
Hubby did that years ago when we used to use the old shed as a kennel.

Just started the planning here.
We've got strip lighting along the centre as that's where the main desk will be.


Actually managed to get a few things in despite the weather.

And more today.

Here comes Mr Shifter!
Hubbies do have their uses. 

It's great having a large garden until you decide to build a cabin right at the bottom of it.

I decided to stand these upright to make more space Oh and get more in!

This is one of the smaller shelves that displays my very old wood mounted stamps.

Last week.
Sometime at the end of March.

This week sometime at the beginning of April.
The carpet was a Christmas present from my parents.

I'll be back soon with the next installment.


It took me a while to get round to this as I've been busy playing in the cabin.
It certainly looks beautiful now.

Though full of stuff!

Angela xXx


sandra de said...

Your studio is amazing .... how wonderful to have a designated roomy space to create. Simply stunning.
Sandra de

Lynn Holland said...

What a fabulous she shed. You’ll have some fun in there and it couldn’t have come at a better time
Lynn xx

Di said...

Hi Angela! We too have a Dunster Log Cabin. Ours is a lot smaller, just for leisure, and is in one corner of the garden. Yours is a dream of a crafting space! Question please, did you use the supplied 'storm braces'- our landscapers managed to lose ours and we do now have what seems like a better 'sprung' design from Tuin - just unsure how necessary they are to be honest. Di x

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