Thursday 5 March 2015

The Mirror Crack'd - Mixed Media Challenge 7 - Anything with Wings.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Here we are again for another challenge at The Mirror Crack'd and this month it's Anything with Wings(but not cards please).

After giving this much thought.... would it be birds, butterflies, bees, bats(nice and spooky)Gothic, or Steampunk style maybe, fantasy perhaps maybe fairies, Angels, aeroplanes, chickens and ducks maybe even dragons or Pterosaurs (pterodactyl being the most well known)?

So Many things have Wings!

In the end I decided on either a heart or a cloud, neither of which normally have wings but this is my blog and if I want them to have wings then they will Lol!

I also wanted to try and use some of the fabrics I have been playing with recently and this is how it developed.

Not so long ago we were out in the car and I took photographs of some lovely clouds which kind of got me thinking.

And I thought that some of the fabrics I have been working on recently would look good as clouds.
So this is what I made.

I used a Sizzix die for the heart as seen here.

This is the fabric I constructed earlier. If you are interested in seeing how I made it the link is here to the technique.

Next I outlined the shape onto the back and cut it out.

 Spraying the fabric came next.
For this I used Crafty Notions sprays.

And this is the result.

However I turned the clouds over and this is what I found !!!!
And what a surprise, I have to say I liked it better than the front and decided to work on this side..

I did however use the right side of some of the fabric to make the wings.

After spraying and drying the fabric I started the construction. First attaching the backing fabrics which I frayed to soften the edges. I inserted the stuffing, joined the clouds together and then attached the raindrops.

 I hope you enjoyed looking at my mixed media soft sculpture.

 It would be great if you could pop over to see what the rest of my team members have made this month at The Mirror Crack'd.

Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting,

Angela x


Pamellia said...

Spectacular Angela!! I agree about the clouds, the back pieces are stunning, the way the inks bled through in such a wonderful way! Just gorgeous! hugs :)

Carole Z said...

Gorgeous Angela, lovely colours and textures, hugs Carole Z X

Kerstin F. said...

Wow, very creative idea, stunning clouds!

Redanne said...

You are so very clever with fabrics Angela, I love your cloud piece and agree, it did look wonderful on the other side. Love, love this gorgeous creation! Hugs, Anne xx

Claudia N. said...

What a brilliant, magical, wonderful and ingenious idea and project, Angela!

LOVE love love your sewn cloud!

Claudia x

Shilpa Nagaonkar said...

Stunning mixed media sculpture, Angela, Love it :)

Elaine aka Ellapu said...

Unique, imaginative and beautiful - love it sweetie xx

Scrumplescrunch said...

Hello Angela,
What can I say that everyone else has said other than you are creatively different in your Art, which is very inspiring and I love how your imagination interprets the themes. Wonderful clouds, just wonderful and YES why not put wings on them.

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Angela
I realised half way through this post it wasn't WOYWW but I'm so glad I saw it .... Fabulous work and of course clouds have wings.
Janet .... Off to see your WOYWW post now

Lula said...

Love, love, love your fabric sculpture!

Jackie PN said...

Very clever make Angela!! Love the design and the fabric- is just yummy! xo

Shoshi said...

Oh gorgeous, Angela! I love it! You are too, too creative! What a fabulous effect you have achieved, and I love the different textures, esp. with the addition of those wonderfully sprarkly raindrops!

Shoshi said...

Wow this is amazing! I love the cloud bed for the heart, it does look comfy. The fabric treatment was very interesting, I am using more fabric with paper. Loved the piece! Hugs Jan Hill x

Kelly said...

The piece turned out beautifully! So much detail and texture. Creative Blessings! Kelly #73 p.s. I fed the fish. ;-)

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