Wednesday, 22 November 2017

WOYWW # 442 What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Hi Workdesk friends. 
Here we are for another Wednesday at the Workdesk. 
I am here again to show you:

"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit the
Stamping Ground, our host Julia will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

Stuff everywhere!

The clear tub is snow stuff that you use with glue.
The brown tub contains the Zinis cut out and ready to use.
More Christmas Masterboards.

Exploding box is still holding on with card, gems... you name it!

I wonder if you noticed there is something new on the desk ????
If you don't know what it is I'll tell you next week.
So that's me done for today, nice and quick my friends.

 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 
happy crafting,

Angela x


Helen said...

I can't spot anything new... like your basket of Zinis though. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Annie said...

I see a nice new set of grey drawers on the right of the pic? I’ve just. been sat playing spot the difference....can you tell I’m not feeling very creative this morning? 😀😀😀😀
Have a great week.
Annie x #12

Neet said...

Not a clue what is new, sorry. New glasses too!
Love your little figures and things ready for sticking on our cards, great Masterboard.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Christine said...

Great idea to cut out the Zinnis.
Masterboards look good, I hope to spend some time making a few myself soon.
Have a good week
Christine #14

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun..lots of creativity going on. I went back a post or two and yes you have new storage ! Always an asset to have a place to fit it in. I love the card on the previous post. Makes me see what Zinnis is. Your masterboards are so pretty. Have a fun WOYWW day.

StampinCarol said...

Lots of fun stuff on your desk so I'm not sure what is new. Great masterboards, as usual. And your exploding box is quite full. Hope you have a great day!
Carol N #19

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Angela, you've just reminded me I have a tub of that snow stuff- I'd forgotten all about that.Love the masterboards, and those Zinis. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxX

Plush Possum Studio said...

Maybe it's my wonky eyesight, but I could not tell what's new on your desk.
Rose #29

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Snow used with glue? I'm intrigued! My version of your exploding box looks a lot more scrappy - with bits and pieces most people would throw away, i.e. rubbish. I tend to keep the smallest bits of off-cuts for collage. What could be new on your desk? It's not the box of gellatos squashed between the shelves and the wall is it? Don't remember seeing those before! Have good week! zsuzsa #20

Plush Possum Studio said...

Aha! Thanks for clarifying. I've always liked those red drawers

Ellie said...

I can't guess as I haven't been a WOYWW-er for very long hehe.
I like the tub of christmassy bits.
Have a good day xx
Ellie #13

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Angela, oh the snow stuff looks interesting ( all of mine is wet and needs to dry but, yours looks fluffy) ~Stacy #27

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Perhaps it is a new pack of babywipes?! Ali x #3

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh dear Angela! You had better not look at mine! I am going to have a tidy tomorrow but couldn't match yours! Hugs,Chrisx 33

Cara said...

What I wouldn't give to get my sticky mitts on that box of zinis! Loving the masterboards too. I couldn't spot what's new, but it seems like your other commenters have it sussed x

BJ said...

New thing on your desk, what actually ON the desk not to the side on the right in the blue case? Thanks for the visit BJ#9

Lindart said...

The first thing that hit my eye was the red binders - new or not? I probably just missed them before! Your entire desk looks like it's about to explode at any minute now! You are like me - your actual workspace keeps getting smaller and smaller until you have no choice but to clear it all off and start over again! Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #26

Sharon Madson said...

Love your exploding box! My desk is an exploding desk! LOL. Thanks for coming by earlier! Ok I am #32 not #31 like I have been telling everyone!

Julia Dunnit said...

Love that, a box of Zinis! Before I enlarged your pic, I thought that the glitter glue holder was a teapot....thought you were being quite fast and lose with the balance of it. Actually, I still think that, even now I know they're glue bottles!!

Marit said...

I'm curious to find out what's new on your desk - and I am a fan of your exploding box! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week - time flies, it's Monday already! Big hug from Holland, Marit #18

Kyla said...

ooh something new? the cutting mat?
Love your basket of zinni's though-so colourful

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