Friday, 14 February 2025

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

           Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.......which isn't much!

Apart from walking the dogs and doing the grocery shopping (yes I still do my own, no on-line ordering here!). 
However, I do think that I'm over the cold more or less so decided to tidy my desk which some of you will know it has suffered greatly during my weeks of sniffles.

It looked like this on Wednesday:

which I know some of you will have seen already.

And even worse on Thursday when I decided I'd had enough of not being able to find stuff and cleared the boxes which made things much worse!

But I'm all smiles now, look at this gorgeous tidy desk all ready to start the new project.

Earlier in the week we got a new microwave. I'll get there soon so that I know how it works as it's different from my old one. Sorry about the shadow.

Daisy in her comfy place.

I know Schnauzers are intelligent but this is taking it too far!

My friend who lives in France sent me this photo.
This is Flaine and I'm pleased we're not skiing there, these people are waiting to get a lifts up to the mountain.

She sent me this pic too, now that I do fancy.

Snow drops in the garden looking pretty.

And the swan family in the park doing well too.

Happy Valentine's Day and wishing you a great weekend.
 Thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Iris Flavia said...

No groceries online here, the next one is but 4 minutes by foot away (lucky me).
LOL, if you saw my desk... I saw you can train cats to use the toilet!
Eww for those queues!! Awww, pretty snowdrops! Haven´t seen any here since years
Happy Valentine´s Day to you, and a great weekend, hugs xXx.

mamapez5 said...

I shop online for craft items as I have no choice, but I need to do grocery shopping myself to ensure I leave the house every week! (Plus I like to pick and chose what I am buying).
I love having a tidy up in ,my craftarea, but these days mine is pretty tidy anyway because I have to be. I have very little work space since we demolished one desk, so I have to keep it clear.
I would love to see snowdropsin the garden. They always amaze me with their delicate strength.
Those queues for the ski lifts are enough to put anyone off going there.
Have a lovely week. Kate x

Annie said...

Well done you for tidying/organising your desk…that always makes me smile. The dog sat on the toilet made me giggle…I know Peggy’s training is going well but she isn’t that good . I’m really loving the snowdrops all around us….Spring is on its way.
Annie x

LA Paylor said...

I kind of love sorting and tidying up a studio space. So satisfying like finally cleaning out a microwave. We're thinking of moving to France, Europe at least. I know that's not a male dog on the toilet as men can't do two things at once generally! lol

Lisca said...

Well done you for tidying your craft desk. I don't have one anymore. That is probably why I'm not crafting much (or have I taken down the table because it didn't get used......?)
Congratulations on your new microwave. I couldn't live without one.
The dog on the toilet made me smile. n don't think you could train a dog to use the wc, but it looks really funny.
Love the snowdrops and also the swans. What happens to the young ones. Do they go and find a different territory? Or do the park keepers move them somewhere else?
Enjoy your Valentine's weekend,

Sue said...

Woohoo look at that tidy desk (It'll never last lol) I would not fancy being in that ski queue! Take care and have a very happy weekend xx

Kelly said...

Hi Angela
I am soooo ready for spring. These wet/ cold temps are for the polar bears in my opinion!
If I skied, I still wouldn't stand in that kind of a line to get on a lift! Give me a toasty fire in the fire place and a hot cup of cocoa. that's more my speed LOL
Hugs & Creative Blessings!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Good grief - all I could take in of this post is that fabulous-looking dessert, and now I've drooled all over the computer. I'm blaming you! :D

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