Friday 4 October 2024

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Not a very exciting week, went to the dentist for my check-up.
Showed a friend how to use the die cutting machine.
Walked the dogs in the pouring rain!
Went to the bank in town.

Even got coffee in real cups.

Nice comfy seats too.

Town seemed quite busy considering it was the middle of the week but it was a nice day.

Spent some time trying to clear photos from my laptop as it's getting a bit full but got distracted again!
But I did go to the Craft Club last saturday which was nice.
We were making some dimensional concertina cards.

Great fun making these.

And my desk for the day.

Such concentration!

That was a nice day.

Dog funnies next obviously!

Of course I'm not quite as bad as that!

This might be closer!

Now the next two could easily be Daisy and Alfie......given half a chance.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


mamapez5 said...

That was some clever card making in your craft group, so well done to all. A great set of card made.
Maybe the sun had brought people out into town for a browse. I have lots of fairly uneventful weeks too, but you seem to have been quite busy. Smiled at the doggie funnies. Love to Alfie and Daisy. Kate x

Iris Flavia said...

I love walking in the rain - but working with a laptop only is a pain!
Those cards look... great!! Wow.
Aha. So THAT´S how dogs think ;-) Have a great Friday! xXx

Valerie-Jael said...

Those concertina cards are gorgeous, well don! Coffee in the bank? Never had that here! Love the doggy funnies, animals are realy the best friends and family! Hugs, Valerie

Lisca said...

Those cards are really lovely and one can make so many different ones with just the basic folded shape.
Real mugs? Wow! was that the dentist or the bank? The bank probably.
Have. great weekend,

Annie said...

I'm only just getting to my blogs so I'm sorry for my lateness....It's been one of THOSE days here!!
I really love those clever. Your funnies were just what I needed so thanks for sharing them.
Annie x

LA Paylor said...

oy vey the licking!!! Milo wanted a bean chip for every one I had today. I wonder if every thing he eats tasted like his licked bits.
Your concertina cards are so good, love!
The die cutting machines must be respected, those blades are so sharp, not that I have one but seen them used

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