Friday, 21 March 2025

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week though I don't have many photographs to show you.
  • It's been a busy week here as I went to the hospital on Sunday to have a small lump on my arm removed ( I'm sure you don't want to see that!) and later that evening a very large filling dropped out from one of my teeth, I can't believe it. 
  • Monday I had to book an emergency appointment to go to the dentist. 
  • Tuesday went and got the filling replaced and then off to see about some work that needs doing on my car. 
  • Took her over there in the afternoon. You cannot have a car that's 53 years old and not expect she may need a little touching up occasionally. It's a bit of welding needed and then went and booked her in for the paint spraying ready for when the welding's finished. It's only Tuesday and I'm shattered already Lol!
  • Tuesday was the Felting Club in the evening and we made some 'Winter Chanterelle'

These are the real thing...

and these are samples that were made.

Wednesday we took the dogs for their haircut and Alfie was definitely ready. He looked like a woolly bear.

The lady who cuts their hair has been away and it's surprising how an extra week or so turns him into a shaggy dog. He can't even see properly though he still knows where to find the dinner.
Daisy's coat is different so she doesn't go woolly.

Here we are fetching them home but they don't look that pleased. Alfie likes going to the trimmer as she has a beautiful golden labradoodle girl dog called Dora and Alfie really likes her.

Thursday we took the dogs to the kennels as hubby is going away for a few days. He's getting ready for the school Art exams as he checks the teachers marks. 
The GCSE exams may seem a while away but the exam boards start now to get ready for the visits they have to do as the Art exams are marked before the written exams. 
This means I will have a long peaceful weekend to do my own thing and I can tell you I'm ready for it!

Started off by having a good clean round as he left but there's always more that could be done....think that's enough of that!

  • And so to Friday, I'm sure I'll  find something to keep me busy after I've had a good rest Lol! 

Wishing you a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


mamapez5 said...

A busy week indeed. I hope the arm soon heals, and the tooth feels better. The felting is iteresting. I have never actually watched itbeing done, but I have seen some beautiful worked pieces.
Annie's little Peggy had a haircut too. It is obviously that time of year. I am sure they feel more comfortable afterwards, and it soon grows again.
Enjoy your quiet weekwnd. Kate x

Iris Flavia said...

Ow on your arm and BIG OWWWW to your tooth. It hurt just reading! Hope you are all better now.
Interesting technique, your felting.
LOL on Alfie. Hope his girlfriend still likes him!
Have a great day, hugs xXx

Annie said...

The dogs look amazing and I'm sure they feel better...I can't wait to see Peggy clipped now. Your felting looks life like. I hope your arm heals well....I had some needle biopsies taken under my left arm on Tuesday so am awaiting results nexy week [wish me luck].
Annie x

Lisca said...

Gosh, you had a busy week. Great to see the dogs looking so dapper.
And your mushrooms are amazing!
I hope your little wound heals quickly and without complications. Sounds like you deserve a few days on your own! I can totally understand. It's I-love-Angela-time!

Kyla said...

ooh wow thats a full on week for you, hope you have been able to have some down time this weekend. I LOVE the quote about retreating to the craft room-SO true! WOYWW desk has some good makes on it and interesting to see the makes from the backgrounds.

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