Friday 23 March 2018

Friday Fun Day With Smiles.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week, well mostly last week actually as this week has been full of washing and visiting my parents.

Some of you may remember seeing this photograph before as we have stayed in this hotel before which faces the school.
This is part of Tignes in the French Alps.

There was a lot of snow!

Wednesday is Sports Day and naturally that means Skiing!
The Instructors are all here waiting for their pupils to appear.

And here they are.

You may well have guessed by now that this is a Primary School.
How cute are these little ones!

These little ones have got to make you smile!

The next photographs are of Piste-Bashers.
We could have done with some of these at home.

They work through the night to groom the Piste. They have a blade on the front and a comb on the back.

There is nothing nicer than skiing over a piste that has been groomed by a Piste-Basher.
This next photograph shows how deep the snow is.

This thing buried in the snow is a street light.

 That is a lot of snow!
The roads however are kept relatively clean.
Unfortunately this is probably the end of the season for us but hopefully there will be another one next year.
We left France at Geneva Airport.
It's big and very modern!

 If you like shopping then this is the place to be.

 But the snow didn't end there as the UK had a little more to offer.

 Thankfully most of this has now gone and we are hoping it stays that way but who knows.
I hope where ever you are that you stay warm.
 Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.
 And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Annie said...

That’s a serious amount of snow Angela. Those little ones look so cute. Our little twinnies are going for their first skiing holiday during the Easter holidays are are so excited now.
Hope you have a great week.
Annie x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Oh wow Angela, isn't it amazing when we compare the difference between countries ours was a mini mountain compared to what you saw, but it did put a halt to life for a weekend.
Lovely shared photographs, hope its not too long before you return.
Warmest of wishes this weekend Tracey xx

Gill Edwards said...

Those little kids are mega cute. I love the way the ski poles are taller then them! I would not be happy deliberately going to a snowy area but i can understand ski-ing must be fun.

Have a good week

Lynn Holland said...

If I never see another flake of snow again it will be to soon, I'm sick to death of it, even as cute as those little ones are I'm ready for photo's of sun and flowers
Have a good weekend
Lynn x

Jackie PN said...

Happy Friday!!!

WOW I could not believe the amount of snow there- holy moly! No more whining for me!heehee
Those lil ones are adorable! So glad you got in a couple of visits this year- now, lets bring on the Spring!!
have a super weekend my friend! xoxo

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I laughed at the adorable children. They looked so serious and ready to take on the course.

That was a lot of snow to cover that light post. We've had so little moisture here, even a few flakes might make a big difference for the flowers.

Hope your time on the slopes was fun and I hope you have a great weekend.

mamapez5 said...

I am glad you had a good time on your skiing holiday again. You certainly had a LOT of snow. They have even had some in Northern Spain again this week, but we are hoping the worst weather has past now and we really are going to get some warm sunshine! Kate x

Shoshi said...

It looks as if you had a really great holiday, Angela, with plenty of snow to ski on! The little ones are just darling, with their bright ski suits. I bet they are good at skiing, too. Thank you for your very kind words about my mini-album and I'm so glad you like it! I did work flat out on it, because I had a fairly tight deadline to get it finished. Since then I haven't done anything in the studio except tidy up. I've been busy getting prepared to go into hospital on Wednesday although I don't hold out much hope that I won't be postponed...


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