Friday 7 June 2024

Friday Fun Day with Smiles

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

I don't really have much to show you this week as hubby is working away and the dogs are in kennels so I've been catching up with some housework, gardening and filling some charity bags though I have managed a bit of crafting too.

I did have a walk to the coop the other day and photographed this gorgeous little helicopter.

And this is what it's all about.

My usual photos of hubby look like this:

Scruffed up and cleaning the pond but right now he looks like this:

He scrubbs up well I think.
He sent me this photo to show off his new tie.
Having got to the hotel where he was staying he realised he had forgotten his tie but the Hilton saved the day and found him one which they then washed and ironed for him. 
Now that has to be service at it's best.
Nice art work too.

That's about it really so I'll finish with some funnies.

This could easily be me.

And this one!

Probably this one too!

Oh dear I'm a sad person but the place does feel empty without them and hubby too! but they will all be back tomorrow so better make the most of the peace and quiet.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow. You found the helicopter. Good for you. Sorry you are all alone this week. Loved the funnies. They were so true, too. Have a super rest of Friday and a great next week, Angela.

Annie said...

Love the helicopter. Your hubby looks so smart. I bet the house is very quiet this week. I love your funnies…very me.
Annie xx

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the dog funnies! Yes, your hubby looks great! Enjoy the peace and quiet till they all come home! Hugs!

Lisca said...

Hubby (and dogs) will be back by the time you read this. I'm sure you made the most of the quiet house.
Your hubby looks very smart, I must say.
Enjoy your weekend,

Win Dinn, Artist said...

You'll have been so delighted to have your dogs and husband home. And you're quite correct that the latter scrubs up well. Bless the Hilton for responding so well in his time of need...that's service to the max!!

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