Friday 14 June 2024

Friday Fun Day but not the best week.

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

It's not been the best week for me as they cremated my mother on Wednesday morning and though I know it was time for her to leave us it doesn't make it any easier but this little fellow has been visiting us every day recently and it sits on the fence looking through the conservatory window.
That has to be smile worthy.

My mother will now reside in Sherwood Forest Crematorium which I know she would love as it's not far from Rufford Park where we used to take my parents quite often.

It looks like a very peaceful place.

It's not been too sunny this week but our garden
is looking nice and green.

Hubby has been sending me these photos 

He's sending me these to prove that he is eating healthy while he's away.

I've been sorting some drawers and wardrobes as it's not just stash that builds up here and now have a couple of bags for the charity.

Think that's it really for this week so will finish with a few smiles.

I'm not sure who enjoys this most.
It's very relaxing.

Dogs just seem to sense when we're feeling sad.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Angela, sending lots of virtual hugs to you. Your Mum has a beautiful place for her last rest, she would have liked it. Hold tight to all the good memories you have. Have a good weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Sorry you had to let go of your Mum for good now. Sadder to let you know I miss mine still. She left us 2011 - but as long as I miss her she is still here, right?
Also I have pictures of her in the living room and kitchen, that helps.
As your bird!
Your hubby is funny :-)
I still have two cartons for the neighborhood, but the weather is too crap to put them outside. My legs are cold even...
I think most animals sense when we are down. They focus on us, unlike many a human.
I´m wishing you smiles x

Lisca said...

What a beautiful place to rest. Will you visit it occasionally? I also miss my mum. It's perfectly natural. We all know they have to go at some point, but as you say, it doesn't make it any easier. And as I understand, you don't even have the dogs to console you. I was at a friends' house after my husband died and I was feeling a bit sad and was quietly crying while my friends were in the kitchen preparing food. Their large alsation dog called Roy, snuggled up to me and put his large head in my lap and consoled me. The dog didn't know me but sensed I> needed a hug. I still well up when I think of that.
Have a lovely weekend,

Annie said...

What a beautiful place for your mum to rest. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs hoping life will get easier for you.
Annie x

Win Dinn, Artist said...

It heartens me to know that you have had a window companion with you through the week to ease the pain of letting your mom go. Somehow, I feel like the Universe can sense when an extra dose of 'brotherly love' is needed.

I'm smiling at the thought of your husband sending you healthy eating photos, and wondering what he's eating and NOT showing you. 😉😉😉

Happy week, Angela, with so much more to come. 💗

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was saddened to read about your mother. It's hard to be prepared, even when you knew it was inevitable. It was nice to have a small smile from the little bird that kept you company.

I am SO very sorry about last Friday. I truly intended to visit sooner, but I was in so much pain, the only thing I did was use the toilet and sleep. It kept the pain at a minimum when I slept.

Loved the dog smiles. I believe cats know, too. I'll try to be on time this week.

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