Friday, 26 January 2018

Friday Fun day.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week, well last week actually!


Snow and more Snow!

Some days were gorgeous and some of them it just snowed all the time!
When we weren't skiing we were eating the gorgeous food.

I have to warn you though if you don't like rare steak then look the other way as the French don't over cook their meat ever.

Gorgeous desserts too.

There may be more photographs to follow when I get my act together and all the ski gear washed and dried.
Just had to show you this though.
Comfort at it's best Lol!

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.
And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Annie said...

Your snow pics are stunning....from here 😀😀😀 The food pics are just something else....I can almost taste them from here and now know that I should have eaten my breakfast before I visited you! Off to eat now.
Annie x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I didn't know you were away skiing, Angela - again! It can't have been a whole year since you last went, surely, has it? I must say, I don't like stake in any shape or from - but I'll eat that dessert any time any day! Doggie looks so cute! Have fun and hopefully will see you back on WOYWW next week! xx

Marit said...

Wasn't it your birthday yesterday? I think I saw it somewhere (on Facebook I presume...) so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! You celebrated it well, I am not into skiing but the scenery looks wonderful! I saw on the news there was só much snow that a lot of people/tourists got stuck... but you seem to have been able to actually ski. Treasure the memories and have a nice weekend home again, love from Holland. Marit #24

Jackie PN said...

Welcome home!!Omgosh!Your pups must be so happy to be home with Mum and Dad! how adorable!
and thanks for the drool session...all over my laptop as I viewed each o those meals- Yum!!!
Happy Weekend dear friend! Hope your birthday was ever so special...just like you!
much love,Jackie xx

Crafty Claire said...

Your Friday frolics always bring a smile xx

Lindart said...

Angela, the food looks fabulous! I love my steak just as you have it there - yummy! Good thing you are skiing so you can eat even more! Your puppy looks as about as comfortable as anyone could get! Thank you for your concern about my health,I do feel better today, although yesterday afternoon was spent in Emerg. I'm fine now, hopefully will stay that way! Have a great week, Lindart #37

Sue said...

Oh it looks amazing Angela - apart from the steak, it looks like it's still mooing, I'll stick with the desert thanks very much! Have a lovely weekend, Sue xx

Lynn Holland said...

I had to skip the snow pics as they made me shiver but i drooled over the foodie ones
Lynn x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Hi Angela, I hadn't intended to play along with Friday Smiles, but I greatly appreciate Annie linking me today, so stopped by to visit.

The snow photos were cold, cold, cold, but beautiful. Before I was a vegetarian, that was exactly how I liked my steaks. Now, I will go for the desserts, please. Hope your Friday was great and your weekend even better. thanks for stopping by my place today.

mamapez5 said...

Welcome home from your snowy holiday. It looks a tad cold for me, but very beautiful all the same, and the food looks amazing.
I love the very relaxed doggy. they know how to make themself comfortable. Kate x

Anne said...

Love the snow photos. love snow :-) My son has been skiing this last week, too much snow at first he said they could not go out.
All the food looks yummy.
Anne x

Cara said...

Looks like you had a great time. My niece loves rare steak, even blue steak. When we got married and she would have been about 8, as there were just 7 of us, we ordered off the pub menu (very slightly more classy than it sounds, honest!). She requested a rare steak, but was disappointed when it was more on the medium side. She declared "If I can't have blood, I'll just have to have brown sauce!"

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