Friday 7 June 2019

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Stany is here to start the day off with that far away look in his eyes though I have no idea what he's thinking.

The garden is looking pretty. We seem to have loads of Foxgloves this year though I have no idea where they came from they just arrived. 

This one has settled itself on the edge of the pond. Good job the pond is netted as they can be poisonous to fish

but they are pretty.

And we have several colours too.

Had to show you this one, it looks as though it's hiding.

Love these pretty little Nigella.

Cherries doing well so far, though it's not to say we'll get many of them Lol!

Pears too.

 Damsons, though sadly it looks as though we've lost the plum tree probably after all the dry weather we had last year as the Coxes haven't set either though we have plenty of the Braeburn apples.

Well that's enough of plants. 

I went to the Doncaster Dome on Sunday for the Stamp Magic Craft Show.

It's not the biggest craft show but I like it because there is always a good range of companies attend. 

They were celebrating their 30th show.

I came back with a few things.

And for all of you out there who are following the Cygnets development, here they are again.
They seem to get bigger every day.

Look at them here they are so big this week!
They certainly make me smile, it's so nice to see them doing so well after we lost so many in the past before they got this far.

Anyway I think that's enough for today, don't want to tire you out!

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Annie said...

Your fox gloves are gorgeous....its so lovely when nature gives a hand to the planting isn't it? Your garden is looking really lovely.
Annie x

Anne (cornucopia) said...

All of your flowers look lovely. I like that photo of Stan. Those cygnets sure are growing fast.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I definitely have garden envy. Lovely flowers and a great arrangement of plants and statuary, too. You are right, the cygnets are getting BIG! Have a great weekend, dear Angela and give Stan and Maisie hugs, too, please.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

The doggie photo did put a big smile on my face - lovely flowers too - but the doggie stole the show, awww! xx

Dotty Jo said...

Another lovely post, Angela. We've lost the nigella from our garden, but the foxgloves look amazing. We've got three shades of pink and a white one. Let's hope for some good gardening weather over the weekend, Jo x

Helen said...

your garden is looking fabulous, the foxgloves are gorgeous. Nice goodies from Donny - love those teasels!!

Lisca said...

Wow! Your garden is a picture! Beautiful. Sad that you lost some fruiters. The foxgloves will have been 'planted' by birds eating seeds and not digesting them or seeds got stuck in feathers or something g like that. But a pleasant surprise.
Foxgloves are toxic to humans as well (in larger quantities). Off the top of my head I thought that the heart medicin Digitalis came from foxgloves (originally).
I love the goodies you bought at the craft show. Especially the teacup dies.
Those cignets are sure growing fast. They are gorgeous. At this size you are unlikely to lose them, i believe. (Unfortunately, it's usually the large rats that eat or infect the little ducks and cignets)
Thank you for your comment on my blog post. The flowers are not on my patio. This is still at my sons house in Italy. My patio is full of multi coloured geraniums.
Have a lovely weekend,
Give your fur babies a cuddle,

Mac Mable said...

Now that's funny as I found one foxglove in my garden this year and I never planted it either!....I have left it grow and yes it looks so pretty. Love the one hiding in your photos. Wonderful photos of your garden and thank you for the swan update x. Perhaps it is s good job that we don't know what Stany is thinking!! Yay to your new crafty hoard x

mamapez5 said...

I love your foxgloves and the bees love them too. of course they self-seed very easily but I never minded that as I think they are so pretty.
I smiled at the 'few' things you bought at the show. (I'm jealous really). Have fun playing with them.
I'm glad the cygnets continue to thrive. that's good to see. Kate x

Crafty Claire said...

Looks like you had a good week. The garden pics are lovely xx

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