Friday 14 June 2019

Friday Fun day with Smiles.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Now what do you suppose is going on here!

Lots of interest showing here! What an enthusiastic lot they are!

Card samples and a few cocktails which might just help you to guess what's going on here. 
It's a Hen Party (Bridal Shower for my American friends).
As the bride is a keen crafter I was asked to set up some projects to keep the ladies occupied.

Proud owners with their cards.

Lots of happy faces though the drink might have had something to do with it.

You may notice that they are all wearing something with a Leopard pattern as the bride had a thing about it for a while as a child though this was a bit of a surprise for her.

I though it was safer to give them all tape pens rather than let them loose with wet glue!

Next we moved on to the bag project.

What an industrious lot they are! 
Hardly had to tell them off at all Lol!

And smiles all round from the Hen party! and I have to say it was a lovely day and I was pleased that they all enjoyed it so much.

Now I have been in the park too.
Aren't these two so cute, obviously they were not at the party.

And I know that some of you like to see how the Cygnets are progressing.
Well here they are! I think they thought i was going to feed them and dad is having a job keeping up with them. Just hope they aren't too brave or the parents are going to have their hands full protecting them.

Well there was plenty there to make you smile.

So I'm off now to see what everyone else has been up to.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Annie said...

What wonderful pics of the Hen party....looks like they all enjoyed the evening. Fab results too. Your pics of the park always make me the baby duck snuggling in to the mum and the cygnets really are growing well now and begining to look more like swans and less like the ugly ducklings.
Annie x

craftyani said...

What a fantastic idea for a hen party, did the bride to be receive the cards and bags as a momento. Love the cygnets they certainly grow quickly. Missed WOYWW so here is my comment for today. I always read Annie's Smiles but don't join in. Craftyani WOYWW

Mrs A. said...

Looks like a good time was had by all. Hugs Mrs A.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Angela, fabulous photos from the Hen Party. A Hen Party with a difference too - such a good idea to spend the day together papercrafting. So much more fun than the ubiquitous pub crawl! The fluffy cygnets are so pretty and not at all wary of the human taking photos. Have a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth xx

Lindart said...

You are so lucky to have swans and cygnets! We love our Mallards, but swans are so majestic and beautiful! Looks like a wonderful hen party, they all look like they are having lots of fun! Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #30

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Looks like your Hen Party was quite the success. I hope she got lots of honeymoon inspired gifts, too. Your choice of paper crafting was perfect. And those leopard prints each person wore was really fun, too.

Lovely photos of the swans and cygnets. They are so majestic. We have a few here, too, but mostly we have those horrible Canadian geese who refuse to fly away because people feed them.

Hope you have a lovely weekend, dear Angela. Sorry I'm late visiting. I mowed my yard last night for the first time since the rains came, and I was exhausted when I was finished.

Lisca said...

What a great idea for a hen party. It looks like they all enjoyed it.
Yes, I had noticed that they were all wearing animal print. What fun.
The cards they made are really nice. Well done you for preparing all of that.
The cygnets are growing fast. They don't look at all like ugly ducklings, do they?
Have a lovely weekend,

Crafty Claire said...

Looks like great fun. I know those things take a lot of preparation but their projects look great so well done. I like the idea of crafting with cocktails...might help me loosen up my art work! xx

mamapez5 said...

That looks like a very successful day. Well done. You obviously have good organising skills. And it is an interesting and different way to hold a hen party.
The babies are all beautiful, even now they are no longer little balls of fluff. they change so very fast don't they.
Cheers to you too. Kate x

Mac Mable said...

Sure made me smile.....Thank you for sharing the photos of the fun and fabulous bridal shower. You all look like you had so much fun. Love the 'makes', the cocktails and the leopard prints! x
Cute photos of the ducks and swans x
Enjoy the cocktail!!!!

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