Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.Lots going on in the park this week as they are clearing away all the machinery and tidying up.
He thinks he owns the place I'm sure but he also knows that I have a habit of dropping stuff!

This is a neat way to level off the soil as it works by remote control.
Despite all the disturbance the swans have five cygnets.
Maisie's getting a bit tired during her walk at the moment so had to get a Taxi for her, think she likes it too much!
This was Monday after I did my mother's shopping. Stan is so nosy that I have to put the bins in the space to try and stop him coming into the kitchen as he gets in the way.
However it may be noticeable that the bin has moved slightly.
Now this week I'm not adding any dog funnies as I found this, hope you like it.
I saw this on Quora and it's something that I've always been interested in.
I've lived for a while in other parts of the UK and this was the one thing that always made me smile.
If you ask for this item in an area not common to you it's surprising what you might be asked about what you actually want. Of course most people now shop in the supermarket so you generally just pick up the product without reading the name.
Anyway read on and you'll start to understand.
There's a very simple way to test this that will not only identify a Brit but also where they are from in the UK.
Ask them what this is:
Acceptable answers include:
Barm - Liverpool
Barmcake - Lancashire, Manchester
Roll - South of England, Scotland
Cob - Birmingham
Breadcake - Yorkshire
Bread Roll - South of England
Bread Bun - North Yorkshire, North East
Bap - Shropshire
Muffin - Oldham
Batch - Coventry
Failing that you could always just ram your shopping trolley into them from behind in a supermarket and if the injured person apologises they're most certainly English!
I'm sure all my UK visitors will understand this and maybe other countries experience something similar.
Have a great weekend everyone and
thanks for stopping by.
And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your smiles too.I have a few things to do today but I will get round to see you all later.
Angela x
Is it Maisie's treatment that's making her tired? I'm sure she will milk the situation anyway [I know I would lol]. Milly is sulking a bit this morning because I wont allow her in my sewing room because I've been steaming wedding/bridesmaid's dresses and I wont risk mucky paws and dog hairs anywhere close. They will be going soon [I hope] so life can return to normal.
I loved the funny and yes a bap sounds about right from me :-)
Annie x
Five cygnets is more than usual isn't it. I hope they all do well. It shows how attached swans become to their territory that they have a family there, despite the upheaval of the works.
I like the remote 'leveller'. They have some very clever machines these days.
Poor Maisie. I feel for her. I have days when my legs say "Just pick me up and carry me" but unfortunately no-one does. But she still enjoys getting out and thirteen is a good age.
I smiled at the bread post. We don't have them ere as such. There are tiny rolls of all shapes served with a meal and just called 'pan', soggy plastic bags of rolls topped with sesame seeds and just labelled 'pan por burger', and 'moletas' which are bigger and flatter, and a bit more solid and usually eaten warm with soups and stews. But mostly we just have 'barras', which elsewhere are called French sticks. I buy them hot from the bakery around the corner.
As for apologising, that is not really in the Spanish culture. They do tend to barge around in shops, but it is changing since we came here so maybe the English have taught them a few things!
Hope you have a good week. Kate x
Poor Maisie, she is getting on a bit. I'm glad there is someone who will serve as 'taxi' for her.
A leveler with remote control? What next! What a clever idea!
I love seeing the swans and their cygnets. They must really like it there if they breed with all that disruption around them. I'm sure you will keep us up to date with the cygnets.
That entry about the bap on Quora is really funny. I saw it too and I immediately asked my husband what he would call that. First he said bun and then he said roll. I said bap and then roll too. I think I would call the longer shaped ones a bread roll and these small ones baps.
My husband, although born in Guernsey, has spent some of his childhood in Northumberland and his adult years in Bath. I learnt to speak English in Cornwall, and my sister has been living in Cheshire since 1971, so every now and then something 'northern' creeps into my speech.
Have a lovely weekend,
The park sure is coming along Angela and good on the swan with her cygnets. Send Maisie a hug from me and thank Stan for the smiles and laugh x. Thanks too for the funny story at the end and how true it is x.
What a fab taxi you've found on that walk...we don't have the same style here (or perhaps our daughter's dog is just too large for it!). Loving all the names for the bun (Canadian for what you're showing in the photo). Isn't it fun to have so many names for what is such a common item? :D
The park is starting to look better and those cynets are impressive. I thought the average was three.
Everything is becoming remote now. I remember when we didn't have remotes for TV sets. Now I see a remote leveler.
Sorry about Maisie. She probably needed the "taxi." Stan had me laughing. When I got Squiggles, I put a large box across the door in the kitchen. He never jumped over it, but learned to push it out of the way, just like Stan did. To this day, if for some reason, I don't get a door completely closed, he goes around checking to see if he can push the door in.
I guess I would be called out if I gave that "thing" a name. To me, it's a biscuit. To you a biscuit is what I call a cookie. I DID enjoy reading about the various locales, though. Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend.
I see you survived the desks on Wednesday, and NO, my desk is still super clean because I always pick up after I create something.
Well, I know that if there were a willing pair of arms to carry me, sometimes I’d very much prefer it! does Maisie just put her brakes on and refuse to move on, or are you aware that she’s tiring? Stanley made me laugh...quite a feat to move that tall bin without knocking it over. Love the way ha assumes it’s not actually intended to keep him out! The,park has been tidied up nicely after all the mess hasnt it. I could sure do with a remote control smoother like that!
Hi Angela! Happy 12th Anniversary! Sorry I'm so late, the days just get away from me somehow. Thank you for your visit to mine, and for all the congrats about the new Grandbaby. She is so cute, and already giving her Mama all sorts of trouble (well, she's a Taurus!) Well, we call it a "bun" here, and if you ran your trolley into me I'm not sure I would say "sorry", so not English! But here in Canada people are generally very polite with each other. I saw that question going around on FB, I don't think I answered it! Although I might have said, do you know who Steve and Tracy are, because you might be a Corrie fan! But we are too, so that doesn't work as well as yours does! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #36
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