Friday 11 October 2019

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

The cabin's looking good despite some hold-ups due to the weather.

The roof is on so on to the floor and the door next.

The Cygnets are so big now and busy trying to get rid of all those brown feathers. Their father has been giving them some flying lessons too which usually happens when he decides it's time to get them ready to leave.

I meant to show you some of these last week and forgot.
These were from the club workshop that I did recently.

I have lots of these little bags so all the ladies had one and this is how they decorated them.

These are just gorgeous.

Just thought you might like to see some of those.

And of course I can't leave you without a few Steampunk pics.

This is part of Up-Hill Lincoln. The Antique shops have great fun when the festival is on and like to bring their goods into the street.

I had to show you this one and I imagine some ladies out there will recognise what this guy has on his head.

Now if that doesn't make you smile nothing will Lol!

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Angela the Cabin is coming along fabulously, I'm now as excited as you to see if completed and what your plans are for it.. Great way to decorate those bags, they will be like an extra present when given.
Loving the steampunk pic's had to enlarge the last one as I though it was my buddy Col.. but I don't remember him having full tat sleeves like that well he didn't in August anyway Haa haa!!
Sending Friday Hugs ... i'm off on my travels this weekend Hugs Tracey xx

Annie said...

Your cabin is simply gorgeous and would look really good in our back garden. Those bags are wonderful....all so different too. The lady in the first photo was def my fav...she looks amazing.
Annie x

mamapez5 said...

Wow. The shed is looking great. Now I know what all the cement was for.
So the cygnets are ready for their first adventure. They have done well and look very fit and healthy for their flight.
I love all the decorated bags. Some are so pretty.
Kate x

Lisca said...

That is a lovely big cabin! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with it.
Oh the cygnets have grown up. I suppose they will migrate at some stage? I think if they do migrate, they will stay close to their parents to learn the way. I think I read somewhere that they become independent after two years.
Those 'party' bags are really great. A good idea, and they are all different.
And I never get enough of the Steampunk photos. That man with the hairdryer on his head is a scream!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a lovely weekend,
Keep smiling,

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Last week I was sidelined due to a pesky squirrel. This week it's my own fault. I had an early morning appointment and stayed up all night. After the appointment, I met a friend and we went out for Chinese food. I got home about 4 pm my time and immediately fell asleep. Now I can only blame myself.

Your new shed is coming along nicely, even though the rain halted work on it for awhile. I think it's going to be awesome when finished. When finished, will it be a TARDIS (grin)?

Your workshop participants made some incredible gift bags. To me the BAG would have been the gift. THey all turned out great.

I'm so glad you shared more Steampunk photos. I can never get enough of those. However, I didn't "get" the guy with the silver egg on his head, but it DID make me laugh. Have a great rest of Friday and an incredible weekend, too.

Mac Mable said...

I sure did smile with the hairdryer on his head! Now that's a blast from the past x. What fabulous bags and tags in your work shop Angela....You must have been so thrilled with them? x. The cabin is coming along and looks wonderful x

Crafty Claire said...

The cabin is looking great. It will be a lovely space when it's finished x

Words and Pictures said...

The cabin looks as though it's a really good size - coming on nicely. And how great are all those decorative gift bags - what a clever idea for a class, so useful as well as great fun. Your steampunk photos always make me think how sad it is that we all dress in such a dull way in everyday life these days.
Alison x

Craftyfield said...

I did recognise that instrument of torture on his head... more usual for my grandmother but I have personal experience too!! The new craft room is coming on nicely. Love the bags, I find them better to wrap gifts as they can be re-used and are an easy answer to awkward shapes! Have a great week x

Anne (cornucopia) said...

The progress on the cabin looks good. I always enjoy seeing Swans. Great mix of decorated bag artwork. I never tire of the steampunk festival photos.

Crafting With Jack said...

Super gift bags and I love seeing the steampunk photographs x

Mrs A. said...

Your cabin is looking good. Just done a long range weather forecast an£ the day My Summer house is due to come it will be raining all day. Typical! Hugs Mrs A.

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