Friday 21 June 2024

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Hubby's been away this week so I've been doing a bit of sorting the wardrobes. It amazes me how much stuff we collect.

Shoes were the first job to sort .......

I think I am a shoe collector and some of these have been here for years from when I was working so they need to be sorted.

It would appear that I am also a collector of empty boxes too which is crazy!

Got all the coats out too, more work clothes I think it's time they found a new home too!

Anyway I think that's enough of that!

This is Alfie sitting by the front door. 
I have been training him to do this when people come to the door and when he's quiet he gets a biscuit. Now he thinks if he sits there he should get one whether anyone comes or not and this is his "I want a biscuit" expression.....bless him.

I don't know why but this is Daisy's favourite position, legs stretched out.

Except when she's in this position Lol!

Dogs are good at getting comfy.

Not much going on in the garden this week but plenty of Magpies.

So that's it for today except for a few dog funnies.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x

Wednesday 19 June 2024

WOYWW - 785 -What's On your Workdesk Wednesday.

  Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Hi Workdesk friends. 
We are here for another Wednesday at the Workdesk and here is:
"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit
 Sarah's Craft Shed and our host Sarah will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

Been busy with other stuff this week so not much crafting done and the desk is not much different from last week but I'm here anyway.

I've been using this new stamp by Lou Collins, adding it to one of my Kate Crane stamps.

Hopefully you'll get to see the finished card next week.
I am still working on the colour shift paints and will tell you how I've gone on with those next week.

So that's me done for today.

 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 

happy crafting,

Angela x

Monday 17 June 2024

Masterboard Monday.

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

I am here today to show you a card made with this Masterboard:

You may remember seeing this before here and here, just keep the original, scan it and there's plenty to play with.

This week I've taken a stamp set by Ciao Bells Coral Reef.
I started by stamping on a piece of the Masterboard and two different coloured cards which I then heat embossed. 

You can see here that I have fussy cut the images from the coloured card before attaching them to the Masterboard and adding Glossy Accents and Stickles Glitter Glue.

All the images here are from the Ciao Bella set.

I would love to hear your comments.

Many thanks for stopping by and happy crafting,

Angela x

Friday 14 June 2024

Friday Fun Day but not the best week.

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

It's not been the best week for me as they cremated my mother on Wednesday morning and though I know it was time for her to leave us it doesn't make it any easier but this little fellow has been visiting us every day recently and it sits on the fence looking through the conservatory window.
That has to be smile worthy.

My mother will now reside in Sherwood Forest Crematorium which I know she would love as it's not far from Rufford Park where we used to take my parents quite often.

It looks like a very peaceful place.

It's not been too sunny this week but our garden
is looking nice and green.

Hubby has been sending me these photos 

He's sending me these to prove that he is eating healthy while he's away.

I've been sorting some drawers and wardrobes as it's not just stash that builds up here and now have a couple of bags for the charity.

Think that's it really for this week so will finish with a few smiles.

I'm not sure who enjoys this most.
It's very relaxing.

Dogs just seem to sense when we're feeling sad.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x

Wednesday 12 June 2024

WOYWW - 784 - What's On your Workdesk Wednesday.

  Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Hi Workdesk friends. 
We are here for another Wednesday at the Workdesk and here is:
"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit
 Sarah's Craft Shed and our host Sarah will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

It's not very exciting but for me the desk is quite tidy. The exploding boxes are quite settled too.
I'm working on some old masterboard again, seem to be a bit obsessed with the sea at the moment.

This was Monday's card.

I also appear to be obsessed with glue too going on all those tubes at the back of the desk.
I'm still working on those colourshift watercolours but I'm not getting on with them as I had hoped and I've now got some Lisa Horton Cloud 9 Interference Reinkers which work in a similar way so watch this space.

So that's me done for today.

 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 

happy crafting,

Angela x

Monday 10 June 2024

Masterboard Monday.

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

I am here today to show you a card made with this Masterboard:

Yes it's back again. Looks like I'm a bit obsessed with water at the moment, can't be helped Lol!

I've used the new fish by Kate Crane, the die is by Waffle Flower and the heart stamp is by Woodware.
I started by stamping the smaller fish along the side edges of the card blank.

Having die cut a pice of the Masterboard I then used the matching mask which is available from Waffle Flower to cover the areas I didn't want the stamp to show and then gradually coloured the fish using Tim Holtz Distress watercolour pencils.

I have added a fish over the top when everything was dry and Stickles Glitter glue to finish.

I would love to hear your comments.

Many thanks for stopping by and happy crafting,

Angela x

Friday 7 June 2024

Friday Fun Day with Smiles

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

I don't really have much to show you this week as hubby is working away and the dogs are in kennels so I've been catching up with some housework, gardening and filling some charity bags though I have managed a bit of crafting too.

I did have a walk to the coop the other day and photographed this gorgeous little helicopter.

And this is what it's all about.

My usual photos of hubby look like this:

Scruffed up and cleaning the pond but right now he looks like this:

He scrubbs up well I think.
He sent me this photo to show off his new tie.
Having got to the hotel where he was staying he realised he had forgotten his tie but the Hilton saved the day and found him one which they then washed and ironed for him. 
Now that has to be service at it's best.
Nice art work too.

That's about it really so I'll finish with some funnies.

This could easily be me.

And this one!

Probably this one too!

Oh dear I'm a sad person but the place does feel empty without them and hubby too! but they will all be back tomorrow so better make the most of the peace and quiet.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x

Wednesday 5 June 2024

WOYWW - 783 - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.

  Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Hi Workdesk friends. 
We are here for another Wednesday at the Workdesk and here is:
"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit
 Sarah's Craft Shed and our host Sarah will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

The exploding boxes look good today and
a few little cards, the pink bag holds my label maker. There's a couple of old wooden backed stamps on the left and the box I made for the ATCs. There seems to be more glue than anything hanging around.

But not really a lot going on right now so I thought I'd take you for a little look round the other side of my space.

The little dog sign was a gift from my sister-in-law. 
I'm sure I don't know what she means lol!
The canvases are some of my recent pieces.

Some of you might have seen this before, it's years old and I keep thinking I might add something else to it some time, maybe brighten it up a bit.

And finally a couple more ATCs that arrived last week from Spyder Lyn and BJ, love them

and this gorgeous card from Julia.

So that's me done for today.

 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 
happy crafting,

Angela x

Monday 3 June 2024

Masterboard Monday.

   Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

I am here today to show you a card made with this Masterboard:

I showed you this last week but still have plenty to play with.

I went over part of it again with a slightly darker blue.
As I also have several spare fish (Kate Crane) I decided to use these on this week's card.
They are so cute and make me smile every time I look at them.

The sentiment and the colours (Distress watercolours) used on the fish are by Tim Holtz.

The net was from my stash and the card was finished with Stickles Glitter Glue.

I would love to hear your comments.

Many thanks for stopping by and happy crafting,

Angela x

I would like to enter this card in the following challenges:
 Country View Challenge: "Anything Seaside"

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