Friday 12 July 2024

Friday Fun day.

     Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

First a walk in the park.

I don't know if you remember this in the park. 
This was a couple of years ago

and this is now. 

The willows have thickened up lovely and have almost covered the curved branches that go over the seat making a lovely viewing area to look out at the lake.
Such a simle idea but it looks great.

I have been to the hairdressers and the vet's but didn't think you would want to see photos of those.

Don't worry though only at the Vet's because it's Daisy's annual check up.

They were both very naughty earlier this week and I should have photographed them but was too busy trying to get them clean. 
I was only in the greenhouse for about five/ten minutes checking the tomatoes but when I looked up they had dug a hole in the lawn and as it had been raining they were covered in mud, they are so naughty.

This is an earlier photo but it gives you the idea of how I had to clean them again!

Here they are trying to pretend they are such good dogs!


The lilies in the pond have continued to do well and look so pretty.

Not much else to show you this week so I'll finish with some funnies.

Don't we just know it Lol!

Just a couple more related funnies.......

I'm sure you'll get the idea.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


mamapez5 said...

Your dogs are such fun, and then they look as though butter wouldn't melt ...
The park seat looks so cool and welcoming. There is little green anywhere here now. Kate x

Iris Flavia said...

A lovely park and your dogs sure are cute! Have a great Friday xXx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I can relate to the mud story, but a bit differently. I have a very sick cat. The young one. He keeps getting sick and I keep having to clean it. Four times, in fact. Loved how innocent yours looked. And that park bench is now really lush and welcoming.

Some great funnies, especially the last one. Hope you have a better weekend than mine is starting out.

Valerie-Jael said...

All dogs seem to like mud, stinking water etc. My dog was never one who kept clean, but she also enjoyed the showers afterwards! Have a great weekend, hugs!

Lisca said...

That bench-with-a-view is beautiful.
And those doggies are very naughty!
Have a lovely weekend,

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