Monday 1 July 2024

Masterboard Monday Left-overs.

     Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

I am here today to show you a card made with this Masterboard:

So many times I have left over pieces of masterboard and you just can't waste them so today here are a few cards where I've used them to create CAS cards.

Thee are copies from an earlier Masterboard which I scanned and recoloured. The original was Faux Bleaching and you can find the details here:

I always feel that creating a CAS card is one of the most difficult to make sure it looks complete.

The masterboard for this one was a combination of spraying and smooshing.

And the Masterboard for this one was my massive collection of postage stamps to create a collage effect. 

All these cards follow the same process. 
I have included a background colours, main image, sentiment and embellishments.

The layouts are all slightly different and planned in such a way to lead the eye around the card often using odd numbers of elements or arranging them in such a way that elements are in sets of odd numbers.
There are other ways of doing this but it seems to work for me, hope you think so too.

I would love to hear your comments.

Many thanks for stopping by and happy crafting,

Angela x

1 comment:

Sue said...

Oooh these are so pretty, what a fabulous technique. C&S is so hard! I love the little enamel dots, they really finish your cards off beautifully. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

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