Friday 26 July 2024

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

     Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Well actually this is what Alfie's been up too really.
More apple thieving!

If the apples refuse to come off he just breaks the branch! He's a naughty boy!

Daisy just picks up the left overs.

Don't worry this is not our wall!

It took a while to find out how this had happened.
Apparently a learner driver drove down our street and turned left and kept turning more and more to the left and this happened.
I suspect this was a shock for everyone.

Daisy however thinks it's all boring and not worth worrying about,

Alfie's watching the TV not sure what it is he's watching.

I was trying to take a photograph through the window and he decided to turn round and see what I was up to, nosy dog.
Love the photo though! A true Schnauzer face.

We decided to take them to the seaside before it got too busy. 
It was a lovely day, breezy warm and fairly quiet too.
Our favourite place called Anderby Creek on the East Coast towards Skegness.

It was a lovely day and the drive there was nicw too as it was fairly quiet.

And so was the beach but I bet it's not like that now.

I love these houses, they stand facing the beach.

I forgot to photograph the dogs while we were there but here's a little chap to make you smile.

He's all set for his journey, what a sweetie.
They were parked just outside the cafe.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Alfie's definitely an apple thief. Love seeing what those two get into. Beautiful beach shots. And that dog ready for a ride was hilarious. I loved it and laughed. Have a super rest of the weekend and a great next week, Angela.

mamapez5 said...

Alfie has sure found something he likes. I hope they don't give him tummy ache.
How nice to have a long stretch of empty sand for the dogs to run on. We didn't take ours to the beach very often because they hated being in the car.
It always makes me smile the way animals will sit and watch TV. I guess it is the mvement and noise that attracts them. Our cats are so hot they just sleep all day but goodness knows what they get up to at night when it is a few degrees cooler! Hope you have a nice week. Kate x

Annie said...

Your dogs are so handsome now. Love the little one on the bike. We are off on another adventure tomorrow so Milly will be hoping for a good run on a beach…she loves it.
Annie x

Lisca said...

You have two naughty dogs, but I'm sure you wouldn't want them any other way.
A great beach for the dogs (when it's quiet).
The dog on the motorbike made my day!
have a lovely weekend,

Valerie-Jael said...

My faves are definately the doggie photos, they are little stars. I used to go to Skegness a lot when I waas living in Lincoln and Scunthorpe, my aunt and uncle lived there. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Your dogs are just too funny! Absolutely love the beach-pics!!! To live in such a house, oh, just imagine... Sorry I´m late, was visiting my Bro. To happy times and smiles xXx

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