Wednesday 23 February 2022

WOYWW - 664 - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Hi Workdesk friends. 
We are here for another Wednesday at the Workdesk and here is:
"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit the
Stamping Ground, our host Julia will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

So here's my desk and the workable space is getting smaller and I really need a good sort out. 
I keep thinking about things I want to do and the stuff is piling up waiting for me to get the time to do it.

There are loads of stamps here, some I have used recently and some are just to remind me of ideas I've had that I want to do and some are ready for some samples I need to make for the Craft Club. Even the heart die that I used for the Valentines card is there because I have another idea in mind. I don't know what's worse no Mojo or him bringing his mates along too!

Any way! I've been working, when time allowed, on a birthday card. 
This is stamped from an AALL and Create stamp set and the coloured paper was a piece that I sprayed.......well years ago actually! I had a mad thing about spray inks at one time and ended up with a whole pile of papers which I am still using. 
I have to be honest that the process of playing with a technique is the thing I like most and I often have no idea what I will do with stuff when I've made them though sometimes that's a good thing.

Moving on these are a few new stamps on top and some older ones below.

I know some of you were asking what I had planned for this Glaze and if you'd like to see you can just click on the link here: or just keep going down a bit as it was my post on Monday just below this one.

I'm really looking forward to Saturday as Jo Channon is coming to do a class with us at our Craft Club.
If you watch the Craft Store you might have seen her, She is a lovely lady and has a shop in Coningsby Lincolnshire so it's not too far for her to come and see us.

 So that's me all done for today.
 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 
happy crafting,

Angela x


Lynn Holland said...

I’m excited for you for your craft day. There’s nothing like being with like minded folk.
Have a lovely time Angela
Lynn #1 x

Mary Anne said...

Enjoy your day! I miss crafting with friends but hopefully soon I'll feel like it is less of a risk and can sneak in a day or two. Love the card beginnings, lovely colours too.

Mary Anne (4)

Sarah Brennan said...

I'd rather have too many ideas than none Angela. Glad your mojo is overflowing as much as the exploding box lol. Have fun at the craft club. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. First of all, wish I lived closer and could come to your Craft Club. Would love to meet Jo. That birthday card is gorgeous. Your pile of stamps looks very lovely too. Ali x #14

Neet said...

Ooh a class with a tutor from away. That's on our agenda now we are back in club.
That is a lovely birthday card you have just made - I love the colours you chose to use - and, of course, the stamps.
I know just what you mean about things piling up because you haven't the time to finish one thing. I am in exactly the same boat. Must get on.
Off to see the glaze in use.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

I am glad I am not the only one who likes playing with background techniques. I too have some that are years old, I must admit they get forgotten about! Happy WOYWW Angela #2

Helen said...

Enjoy the craft fun ! I never watch the craft channels but I've seen stuff Jo does happy woyww #9 Helen

Julia Dunnit said...

Jo is a lovely lady, she and I were demonstrators for Bramwells at the same time, you’ll have a fab day. It makes me happy to read that your mojo is on overtime, you are so productive anyway that I have to smile that you think you can’t keep up, it’s amazing! That birthday card is looking lovely, and I really like the stamp on the top of your very restrained pile of new stuff!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for all the fun energized ideas! I did just sort out stacks I had made here and there and everywhere. WHEW glad it's back in order, but got busy making an assortment of need NOW cards. Have fun the weekend hope your weather co operates.

Mac Mable said...

Had a little chuckle about your workable space getting smaller Angela x. Fabulous exploding box with all those crafty goodies. Yes I agree about Mojo and sometimes I have so many ideas I don't end making anything! I am a technique girl too and love the process of it too x. Enjoy your craft class with your special guest Angela and enjoy the rest of your week. Hope the winds/rain etc have settled down? Still wild up our end but Spring will soon be here x.

Annie said...

Hope you have a lovely time at your craft club.
Annie x #6

Caro said...

I am with you with too many ideas and not enough time, and the tottering piles as a result! Love the card you have made. Enjoy your craft class. Happy WOYWW. Take care & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

Tracy said...

Hellooo Angela, a joy to see your desk and all your ideas just waiting 💕❤ loving that card and I adore words 😊Sounds like you're going to have a fab time at your craft class .... enjoy every minute. Huge hugs Tracy #23 xxxx

Sharon Madson said...

Great things on your desk. I did scroll down and look at your tags and how you used the glaze. Lovely tags and page. Happy Day! #24

Win Dinn, Artist said...

I'm having a good giggle about your Muse bringing all this buddies along for the (wild) ride. Isn't that the truth? Feast or famine in the studio - inevitably! Thanks for letting us see all the feast, Ang!

Susan Renshaw said...

I think I end up working on one square inch surrounded by all my schmozzle.

And I have piles in my to do stuff...

Happy WOYWW!
Susan #13

craftyani said...

Your work desk always looks so compact and tidy with all your little drawers. Do you not work in your new craft space or is it too cold. Lucky you having a craft club, something I miss. Ani

Crafty Claire said...

Lots of lovely goodies on the desk to fuel mojo and friends xxx

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