Friday 24 November 2023

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

The picture above looks rather cute until you know the boiler above it was leaking!
We had just had the annual boiler check and a couple of days later I kept hearing what sounded like a drip but couldn't find anything until two days later I noticed this bowl was full of water. Luckily the bowl is always under there (though not usually the duck, my hubby decided to put him there). I noticed the bowl was almost full of water. I am so glad the bowl was under there or there would have been water everywhere. So that was the start of the week.

Alfie of course doesn't care as long as he has his warm towel to rest on. This was just before he went for his hair cut.

This was when he got back though in this position he doesn't look much different as Schnauzers always have quite a thick beard. 
I have no idea how he got into this position or if it can be very comfy but he looks happy.
You can just see Daisy tucked up on the left.

Later we went outside, no idea what he's up to here. He likes brushing up against the plants.
Daisy is around somewhere.

Went to see my mum Monday and popped into the pub on the way home for dinner.

Later in the week it was sunny so I thought I would clean round the outside of the cabin and found these when I opened the door. 
Now that's a lot of Ladybirds! There were more and they weren't there when I went in at the weekend.....or maybe they were hiding!
It's interesting how many varieties of spots they have.
Maybe they're looking for somewhere warm as the temperature is dropping now.

I had just gone into the conservatory when I noticed this guy digging in the garden.

I went closer to the window to see if I could get a better photo. He/she looked at me as you can see here and then....

just carried on with the job in hand. Obviously I didn't bother it at all!

Apart from visiting mum, more gardening and walking the dogs oh and card making! that's about it really so I'll finish with some funnies....

If you don't like Schnauzers then look away now Lol!

I found these photographs on-line.

Apparently the monks took the schnauzer on as part of their order and made him a little habit to wear.

He certainly seems to like his life as a Monk.

And this guy obviously thinks the whole thing is worth a laugh!
Hope you liked it too.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


mamapez5 said...

The little duck made me smile! Hope the leak is soon fixed.
I'd have thought Alfie and Daisy would be enough to keep the squirrels away.
Kate x

Iris Flavia said...

Great the bowl was there!
Cute, busy squirrel and...
Hehe, the monk-Schnautzer sure is somebody!
Have a fun Friday xXx

Annie said...

I hope your boiler leak is fixed soon....but I do love the duck. The funnies are brilliant.
Annie x

Lisca said...

I hope you have your boiler fixed by now. Very fortunate that the bowl was there.
Haircut again? Does their hair grow as fast as ours? So a haircut every 6 weeks?
Wow what a lot of ladybirds! And as you say, so many different ones!
It was fun to see the little schnauzer monk.
Have a great weekend,

Valerie-Jael said...

Oh dear, holy Schnautzer! That's really a lot of ladybirds. It could really be that they are looking for a warm place to overwinter. Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry to read about your boiler, but that bowl was a godsend. Laughed at the duck. Alfie looks content. I can see Daisy's collar, but not Daisy (grin).

We call them lady bugs here and they are SO beneficial to our gardens. You can be glad you have them.

Cute schnauzer with the monks. That is a REAL dog's life! Have a great Friday and rest of the weekend, dear Angela.

Not only was I late, but I got a "Failed to Publish." Will keep trying until it publishes.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Always so many interesting things to see in your part of the world. The ladybugs had my eyes bugging out...I'm not sure I've ever seen so many in one place, never mind the variety of spotted variations. Wowza!!!

Smiling at the schnauzer belonging to the monk's order (or is it the other way around?). Great photos!

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