Friday 9 February 2024

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Walks in the park as usual but we've had to be careful as the wind has blown down branches.

The workmen have been in trimming back lots of the trees.

I think the dry weather in the summer and then all the wind has weakened the trees and large branches have broken off.

Sadly they decided to cut the whole tree down.

Back home again.....

The garden is coming back to life.
This was earlier in the week when the weather was windy but mild.

Just had to show you this. It was parked at the top of our street as we were on our way home after the morning walk.

They used to be a very popular car in the UK and a yellow one was an important part of a famous comedy program called 'Only Fools and Horses' and yes you really can see a pigeon and a pint of beer stuck on the top.
I was talking to the owner and he was telling me that the car is going to be included in a new film but couldn't say what the name of this will be. I'm guessing it must be a comedy.

Curry night at my friend's house, sorry we had eaten up at this stage.

Nothing much else to tell you today so better finish now but a few funnies maybe before you go.

If you have a dog you will be familiar with all of these.

I'm sure they mean well!

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So sad about that tree, but it really was in a bad way.

What an unusual car. I hope you are able to find out more.

Really adorable dog funnies. Thanks for sharing and have a super weekend and rest of Friday, Angela.

mamapez5 said...

It is sad abaout the trees but many of ours are in the same condition. We had ferocious winds last night and we could here things blowing around outside. Yesterday we were caught in a traffic tail-back and we eventually got through, we found the hold up was ttree surgeons cutting back the huge pine trees that line that street. Many of them are half dead with branches just holding on, and they post a danger to passing cars.
I love to see the snowdrops and crocus popping up through the winter hard ground. So delicate yet so strong. I hope they survive the bad weather.
Your funnies make me miss my dog though we would struggle to cope with him now. Have a lovely weekend. Kate x

Annie said...

So many trees have been damaged in the sad. Love the true.
Annie x

Lisca said...

Yes, It's sad about the trees, but as others have said, they would be a danger to people and traffic. A few years ago my very good friend (In the Netherlands) was killed by a falling tree. So I totally agree that trees need to be maintained and cut down if they pose a potential danger.
But the snowdrops are gorgeous.
You made me smile by showing that Robin Reliant. I don't know what they are officially called but we have always known them by this name.
Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs A. said...

Gosh your photos take me back. Our very first car was a Reliant in the colour greenstone. It was all we could afford back in the day. Hubby wired up a transitor radio under the passenger seat and that was the stereo. Happy times. Hugs Mrs A.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

That car is a hoot, Angela - I suspect the owner gets a ton of looks, comments and grins. As always, love the look at the world around you! xo Happy creative week, my friend.

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