Wednesday 19 February 2020

WOYWW # 559 - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey. 

Hi Workdesk friends. 
Here we are for another Wednesday at the Workdesk. 
I am here again to show you:

"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit the
Stamping Ground, our host Julia will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

To the back left are packets of enamel dots, my daylight lamp, a box of alcohol markers and a jar of water. You never know when you might need a drop of water for something.
To the front of those are some embossing folders waiting to be put away and a tub holding moulds.
To the right of the glass mat is a tub of Gesso, crackle paste, soft Gel paste, a tub with some screwed up kitchen roll and a tin holding pens, my camera case, baby wet wipes and the blue box full of an assortment of tools other than that the desk actually looks quite tidy.

Now you may be wondering what the thing on the glass mat is and you may remember seeing it on the desk last week.

 It originally held one of those scented diffusers and now it's being  altered and this is where we are so far.
I make no apologies for the way it looks at the moment as this is only the start of it's restructuring.

So that's me done for today.

 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 
happy crafting,

Angela x


Annie said...

Now that really does look interesting...I can't wait to see what it depelops into Angela so please don't forget to share it.
Annie x #6

Belinda Basson said...

Interesting start to your project, I will check in next Wed to see the progress... #18

Sue Jones said...

looking forward to seeing your diffuser box finished. I have one saves as well- mainly because I love the smell of it. Would be good to actually use it , so even if I don't post next week , I will be back to take a peek.
Soojay #11

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Angela, look forward to seeing how that project comes along!I keep a bottle of water handy too- mainly for refilling misters and such. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, I'm very interested in seeing how your project turns out as that looks like something that I could do with the WI Craft club! What do you use enamel dots for as well? So many craft stash bits and bobs that I know nothing about, lol!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Lillianb said...


Tidy looking desk. and the unfinished project looks very interesting,

Lilian B # 9

StampinCarol said...

As I look at your desk today I just realized.... no exploding box! Your desk looks very functional!! I'm intrigued with your scented diffusers! Hope you have a great week!
Carol N #21

lisa said...

Hi Angela. This looks all very interesting. I can't wait to see what they turn into. I thought of you the other week when I was watching Seth Apter on TV. You introduced me to his stuff and what a interesting man he is.
Have a good week

Hugs Lisa x #12

Helen said...

well that looks intriguing, I can't wait to see the finished transformation. I think you could be right about the spending! Helen #1

Caro said...

I'm so intrigued by your project - can't wait to see where you go with it. Happy WOYWW. Have a wonderful week. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Angela, I'm intrigued and looking forward to seeing what the diffuser is transformed into. In the meantime, have a great week. Elizabeth x #22

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Angela, I love the texture you are adding to the candle holder and WOW your desk looks so neat and tidy. :) ~Stacy #23

Neet said...

Oh you are a tease! I have not a clue what you are doing with this latest project but I must say it looks mighty interesting.
I started reading your blog (words) without looking at the picture first and I just imagined an awful mess on your desk but it looks quite tidy really. What are enamel dots please? I have been out of the circuit so long that I am not au fait with any of the newish products (like for well over a year now). I am sure the first time I go to a show I will be overwhelmed and want to buy everything.
Have a good week and I am so looking forward to seeing your latest make.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Heather M said...

Hi Angela, I think you have us all intrigued! I really would love to have an ounce of your imagination and creativity - I'll have to make do with desk hopping for inspiration. Have a lovely week Heather xx #26

Mac Mable said...

Yes you have us all intrigued Angela and what a fun idea to re-use the carton. A tidy desk this week too....x.

Sarah Brennan said...

I like the look of where this new project is going Angela. Can't wait to see the finished piece. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #2

Lindart said...

That project looks very interesting, and a bit nautical...looking forward to seeing what happens with it! I'm trying to do a lot of re-purposing as well these days, I have found that long boxes such as toothpaste boxes make great bases for bookmarks! Thanks for your visit, and have a great week, Lindart #24

Anne (cornucopia) said...

I chuckled while reading your post. I like your dry humor about you never know when you'll need water and you're not apologizing for how that red mesh thing looks right now. As always, I enjoy seeing what's on your desk. :-)

Shoshi said...

Goodness Angela, I love the effect you've got with that mesh! I've used fruit nets in the past, usually to resemble fishing net, and it shrinks when you heat it, which is handy. I love using stuff like that. Can't wait to see how you progress with this interesting project! Thank you for your visit - the craft show was brilliant. The only thing I've used so far is the clear gesso. I'm working on my experiments with Tombow colouring on different surfaces. So far very satisfactory.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #20

Win Dinn, Artist said...

That last photo is so intriguing - I can hardly wait to see how this project looks when completed. Anticipatorily yours from Canada....:D

Kyla said...

ooh will be popping back to see how they develop, look really interesting (love how your cabin is coming along too)


Crafting With Jack said...

Aha! Found the beginning of the tubes! Is it intended to be a sculpture or a container also?

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