Friday 31 May 2024

Friday Fun Day with Sad Smiles.

    Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

This is something you don't really want following you in the garden.

Hubby was down the garden with the dogs when he heard a loud buzzing only to find that he was being followed by a swarm of wasps.

He managed to get him and the dogs back in before they reached the house and I took this photo through the window. They stayed for about ten minutes and then moved on...thank goodness!

The garden's looking pretty but don't know where these came from they just appeared.

Alfie came to see what I was doing.

The cygnets are doing well in the park.

A sad day on Wednesday when we went to pick up mum's stuff from the care home.

This will be the last time I stand and look through this window.

Sorry no funnies today.

Some sadness yes......

But my friends will get us through it.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Annie said...

I certainly don't think I'd have been smiling at all those wasps....I wonder what evil deed they were up to? Can you tell I don't like wasps? My thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Sending you lots of love and hugs,
Annie x

Twiglet said...

What a scary thing to be followed home by a wasp swarm. Thank goodness they buzzed off. Sending a hug and hope all goes well. x x Jo

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, you were lucky escaping the wasps in time.
You just threw me back to December 2011. Nearly the same.
I stood at the window looking out. Mom was still alive but unconscious.
My Brother told me to not to visit again due to the snowy roads. She was dying of cancer, in September she´d turned 70...
I feel with you, I am so sorry...
Big hugs xXx

mamapez5 said...

Not nice to be in a swarm of wasps. Good thing hubby got the dogs in fast. I remember being in the garden with five little people I used to child-mind, all at the top of our climbing frame, when a swarm of bees arrived. I managed to get them all inside, and called a bee´keeper to come and collect them in the evening. Not an experiwence you want too often.
The little flower reminds me of the wild harebells I used to love in the fields. It looks the same but taller so maybe it is a more cultivated variety. A little bird must have dropped the seed.
It isthe end of a chapter when you collect the belongings of someone you have lost, but I am sure you have plenty of happy memories of times spent with mum. Kate xx

Valerie-Jael said...

OMG, a swarm of wasps, so glad you got everyone inside. Not the Sending a big hugs to you! Valerieof guests you want! I can image how revisiting your mum's room tore at your heart, things like that are never easy.

LA Paylor said...

oh sadness... what a beautiful way to share it with us... may your mum be at peace now in spirit form... the body dies but the spirit lives on. I know it's a loss...
wasps! they swarmed my husband once in Maryland. Horrible creatures. One stung me on the face and it was a painful recovery.

Neet said...

I was so sorry to hear of your mum's passing, as you said, she had reached a good age but even though you know it was maybe her time it still hurts, it was your mum. Such a sad time for you Angela.
What a terrible experience your husband had with the wasps. Certainly one time when you need the dogs to obey your command - that must have been a worry for him.
I'd cherish that flower that has just appeared, a strange time for it to happen and it looks beautiful.
Hugs, Neet xx said...

O my thank goodness a swarm of wasps! I'm glad they moved on and caused no bother to you all. Thinking of you and sending hugs at such a sad time. Michelle xx

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Those wasps look scary to the max - good thing the photo was through the window!

Picking up your mom's things must have been very difficult, knowing you wouldn't be back there to see her. Saying goodbye to a mother is really the toughest thing in the world - next to saying goodbye to a child. May your pain ease in good time, my friend. xo

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