Friday 17 May 2024

Friday Fun Day

   Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Ups and downs this week but I'm still here.

The painting fairy has been 


which has made the cabin look like new again.

The inside has been getting plenty of use.

But mainly it's the garden today.

The flowrers are looking beautiful.

Hubbies favourites are the 

We have several of these all slightly different colours.

Next the most gorgeous rose and it smells beautiful too.

Fox Gloves, no idea where they come from but they look lovely.

The Bonsai are doing well but I think it's time for some repotting this year.

The fruit trees are looking good though the birds have been helping themselves again.

Apples doing well. 
The lack of frost helped them to maintain the buds.

Pears next, lots of them.

The birds don't seem so interested in these.

We even have some damsons this year.

Just hope we manage to keep some.

And a quick visit to the park where we saw these babies.

Not a brilliant photo as I took it at quite a distance with my phone. Four cygnets this year.

And funnies of course.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WOW, Angela. Your cabin looks brand new again. You have some absoluote4ly stunning flowers. And that is the reddest rose I have ever seen. Just jaw dropping gorgeous. It must be quite a feat repotting all your bonsai trees. I am in total awe of how lovely they look every year.

I hope your fruit trees do well and you get more fruit than the birds take. I've never heard of a damson. They look a bit like flat limes.

Nice to see the swans at the park and their four new cygnets. Cute funnies. The I'm like my dog mostly applies to cats, too. Just wonderful. Have a great weekend and a lovely new week, dear.

Annie said...

Gorgeous flowers today Angela. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for a proper catch up.
Annie x

Iris Flavia said...

The cabin looks great and all the flowers! So amazing you´ll have your own fruit, too!
Now I want a snack, too ;-)
To a great weekend, hugs!

Lisca said...

Your cabin looks great! (Lovely hubby)
You're going to have lots of fruit. How wonderful. I hope everything grows well.
Your flowers are really stunning!
Are you going to the crop? Have a lovely time.

LA Paylor said...

squee! I love your cabin!!! I want to come over to see it and your garden. I'm like my dog too... he might be a slightly pickier eater than I am, he stops when he's full even if there's food on the plate.

Valerie-Jael said...

Your garden is gorgeous, I LOVE Foxgloves, and so much lovely fruit, too! I want to have a cabin, too! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Your garden photos are outstanding, and your funnies are always a treat. I am most impressed, however, by the way you've managed to entice the painting fairy to your studio. Roast beef? Cookies? Coconut cream pie? Whatever you've used, I must know, as I've some great projects for him over here. 😉

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