Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.
We've been busy this week but not quite sure with what.

We found this too, no idea what it would have been worth.
And the painting has started too though apparently it needs some rubbing down in parts but it's painted again and then the whole ceiling will be painted too.

Maisie went to the vet on Saturday but wasn't able to have her teeth cleaned yet as her liver wasn't quite behaving as they wanted it and she's on tablets for a couple of weeks then going back for a blood test.
Monday we took Stan to the Vet for his check-up after the dental stuff and they were pleased with him but he has to go back to for a blood test.
I think their age has something to do with it but Stan seems absolutely fine and Maisie too so we'll see.
This was Sunday and quite unusual to see Maisie getting this close to Stan. Maybe she was still feeling a bit drowsy after her visit to the vet or maybe she is just using him as a pillow.
It's usually Stan that tries to get this close and then Maisie moves away but not this time.
Maisie did lift her head for about two seconds and then went back to sleep. It's A hard life for a dog Lol!
We've been going through my dad's belongings, I wonder if you can guess where this came from!
He was 18 when the second world war was coming to an end and was sent to Germany when he was called up for his National Service.
Apparently when the war finished there were German soldiers who would do anything for a packet of cigarettes and that is how he ended up with this from an officer.
Hoping I can find a museum somewhere that might take it.
We found this too, no idea what it would have been worth.
He had even kept this too.
There are other things which I might show you here another day.
Think I know where I got my hoarding ability from.
Other than that the ceiling has been moving along.
Plastered on Saturday.
Did mum's shopping on Monday too and went to see her on Tuesday.
She didn't have her teeth done but she did have several tests including a scan which is why her tummy is shaved but look at those legs! I think she's a human being dressed up as a dog Lol!
Comfy though.
So that's it for today but I'll leave you with some doggy funnies
If you have dogs you will recognise these for sure.
Have a great weekend everyone and
thanks for stopping by.
And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your smiles too.Angela x
Poor Maisie. I did laugh when she was on her back and looked like a doll. So glad both Stan and Maisie are feeling better after their trip to the vet.
Wow. That ceiling is almost finished. I am so glad you saved all those artifacts from WWII. Some museum will be thrilled to get them.
I laughed at the dog who found the perfect spot to do his business. It's so, so true. Have a great rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend, Angela.
Friday already ! A week already since we left Spain, one more week of self isolating. Your post has plenty of smiles and aahs today. How old are your dogs now? My daughter has just bought a sonic toothbrush for her dogs, I must ask her if she has tried it yet. I did smile at the dog on the Zebra crossing, how embarrassing that would be :). Have a great weekend x Angela
Maisie and Stan are both so sweet and look as though they're dealing well with all the appointments and treatments. Glad to see the renovations are moving on. You'll be glad to be done with it all I should think.
Alison x
Maisie & Stan what a lucky pair they are Angela having such caring owners. Hope they appreciate you. Wouldn’t you love to know what they are saying to each other haha
Have a great weekend.
Lynn xxx
Poor old are they Angela? I hope all works out well for them both [if not for your bank balance!]. I love all your Dad's memories....I have a few similar of our Dad's.
Annie x
Hope your pooches continue to be well, Ang. I was amused to see that you got plastered, or did I read that right? :D Happy weekend, my friend, and thanks again, as always, for the funnies. :D
Poor puppies ~ They're both lucky to be loved so. Your artifacts are wonderful and I'm sure a museum would love to have them. Enjoy your weekend!
Your lovely dogs are looking a bit sorry for themselves this week. No wonder they want to cuddle up together. They have such expressive little faces.
The ceiling is looking good. The end is almost in sight.
I did smile at the dog cartoons. They are so true!
Kate x
Poor babies, I hope they are managing to stay cool during this heat wave..? I'm keeping them both in my thoughts that the tests come back all good.
I must have missed what happened with the ceiling? It looks like mine after my Son has showered.. He's been scolded once this week already grrrr!!
I bet you found many more treasures whilst sorting through your Dad's things, sad but other peoples hordes really does fascinate me.
Have a super weekend & if out enjoying the sun remember the sun cream.
Hugs Tracey xx
P.S Virtual tummy tickles sent your way, for Maisie and Stan not you Angela just in case you were wondering hee hee!!
I'm glad Maisie and Stan are OK at the mo. I also hope you have pet insurance. Vet bills are as high as human medical bills.
The cartoons made me smile, especially the perfect place to poo.
Your ceiling is coming on nicely. You'll be glad when you have that out of the way.
Have a lovely weekend,
Super photos of Maisie and Stan. Hugs Mrs A.
Lovely photos, especially of the dogs. Very interesting German WW2 finds as well. Many years ago I was given some German bank notes with new values stamped on them, trying to keep up with the rampant inflation. My dad had a patient once who had an early pair of contact lenses which were given to him Germany in exchange for a packet of cigarettes. Strange times indeed.
Poor Stan after having so many teeth out and so sorry they both have to have blood tests but so glad that they both seem to be OK...x. Maybe they sense that they are both in the same boat?...LOL x. Good to see the ceiling coming along and I bet you have enjoyed finding all your Dad's hoardings? x.
I totally agree with you that somehow you can be busy but not sure with what, although it sounds as if you have been doing loads. Fascinating artefacts from your father. I'm sure a local museum would love them especially if you have any photos of your father in uniform to help tell the story. Hope you and the pooches keep well xx
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