Friday 29 November 2019

Friday Fun day.

Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

A little decorating taking place so lost my desk again.
I have been busy but don't seem to have a lot to show for it though you wouldn't want to see some of it! as it wasn't all smiles I'm afraid though most of it got sorted.

Hopefully this lot will disappear soon and we can get our garden back.
Remains of the old conservatory roof.

I know it's not Christmas yet but thought I'd show you this. Bought it at the Gift Show on behalf of Marie Curie charity. I'm sure you'll agree, it's a beauty.

And finally to make you smile, more doggy type funnies.

Fortunately we don't have a dog this size thank goodness!

But we do have one that like to do this!

Not a long post today but probably best that way so you don't get bored with it all.
I am off to the Craft Club tomorrow so might have some nice pics for next week.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Annie said...

Your Christmas garland is gorgeous...I wonder what they made it out of? As for the dog funnies?....we never let Milly sleep on our bed but, living in a bungalow there are times when she gets up there and its as if all her birthdays have come at once :-)
Annie x

Anne (cornucopia) said...

That Christmas wreath is beautiful. I'm glad to see your desk is almost back up and operational. I enjoyed your funnies. Both are very true.

Mrs A. said...

Sat in my Summer House ( now renamed the Winter Palace by The Doc) having a cuppa with the sun streaming in through the windows. Snug as a bug in here. Catching up on everyone’s blogs.
It’s the preparation work that takes the time but the finish will be well worth it.
Hugs Mrs A.

Lindart said...

Hi Angela! Thank you for your comment! Funny about that homemade bread, after eating it for awhile and then having a slice of store bought bread, there's no going back! Your red wreath is gorgeous, very Christmassy! Hopefully you will get your desk back soon! Have a wonderful week! Lindart #22

Lisca said...

What a beautiful wreath! Yes, I would have found that irresistible too.
I had to smile at the doggie funnies. We don't have a dog, but I can well imagine the scenarios. In fact, my sister and brother in law had a labrador that used to sit on the back rest of the sofa when she was a puppy. That extended to people's shoulders. When she was a grown dog, she still tended to do that and I often got obliterated by her trying to sit on my shoulder. We used to call her the dog that thinks she's a parrot.
Looking forward tos seeing your craft club photos next week.
Have a lovely weekend,

Lisca said...

Just to comment on your comment: Yes, you are right. That funnie was there last week. I sometimes forget to delete them all.
As to my postcards: Annie asked me the same thing. I don't do anything with them. They live in a drawer and some in a big box. I have them all scanned onto my desktop computer and I love looking at them. They cover so many topics. The stamps I just leave on the cards. I have scanned those too so I can see those when I want.
I hope that answers your question.
Have a lovely weekend,

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Kakan Chandra Dey said...
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