Friday, 4 August 2023

Friday Fun Day with Smiles.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.
Heckington Show pics this week.
This is the largest village show in England...well it is now! When we first came to Lincoln in 1988 it was much smaller but has grown so much that now it has taken over several acres of the farmer's fields but was originally just in the village recreation ground.

Anyway here goes and I'm starting with some specials for my dear America friends, hope you're around today Elizabeth.

I might say I was actually forced into this but it's good fun to join in.

The Indians were selling interesting handmaded gifts.
The clouds were dark off and on all day but it didn't rain until much later, after we got home.

This was the guy who persuaded me to have the photo taken and I didn't want to upset him as he was sat right next to the jail!

They certainly go to a lot of trouble setting all this up.

And you can see they enjoy dressing up for the reenactments.

The next few are a little more based on the activities of pour own country.

Very few people have coal fires now but I do remember the Chimney Sweep going to my parents and sweeping the Chimney years ago.

Tractors next obviously! these are very old but it's nice to see them.
This is where the Shows differ. 
As this is a village show you will see more collectables and the kind of practices that the farmers wives and children might have got involved in and some still do.

In the larger agricultural shows you would see new tractors and other farm machinery being advertised by the companies that sell them.

This was one of the plant and fruit tents.

Beautiful Roses for sale.

Gorgeous Cauliflowers in the competition. As allotments are still very popular throughout the county these would probably have been grown by gardeners rather than commercial growers though it is true to say that they will sell some of what they grow but it's small scale. I should have some of my own to show you soon but not sure they'll be as good as these as I've never grown them before.

Flower competition.

I fear my carrots will never look as good as these.

Parsnips too.

Lots of sheep!
I like these ones with the black markings.

These are a particular type of sheep common to Lincolnshire.
I wonder if you can guess what their name is?

As you can see they have very long woolly coats.

And goats too.
There were other animals but I think that's enough for today.

So I'll finish with some smiles.

This was Alfie when we got back from the show. 
I think he was tired! I have to keep remembering that he is only a baby. He will be ten month old this week.

Not sure what this position is but he seems to like it. 
I have seen even Giant Schnauzers sitting like this.

And Daisy was tired too.
I know these aren't the usual funnies but I'm sure they will make you smile all the same.

I have lots of photographs from the show but will save some for next week.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Angela, today you look like Annie get your gun! What fun you had there! There's a lot to see and enjoy! I'm sure the dogs were tired after the excitement of the show, and you as well. Have a great Friday and take care, hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Yes, I'm here, Angela. I promised I would see you on Friday and it's Friday. May I please request something. These are not Indians. Native Americans hate that word. It is as derogatory to them as the N word is to blacks. That's why Cleveland Indians baseball team changed their name to Cleveland Guardians at the end of the 2021 baseball season. However, it was nice you shared the photo and that headdress is amazing.

Nice to see the US Marshal, too. This was a really fun take on that show and reenactments.

Enjoyed the chimney sweep, the tractors, and the sheep. Those rare sheep have fur that reminds me of dreadlocks.

Those veggies are out of this world, too. I've never seen carrots that big before, I don't believe.

Alfie and Daisy made me smile today. they are the best funnies of all. They certainly made ME smile.

Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend, dear Angela.

Annie said...

I had a giggle at you looking like Annie get your grandma was actually called Annie Oakley :-) Fab show pics...I bet those longwools are good for felting. I'm feeling just like your two fur babies....rather tired and still catching up on sleep from having Tuesday night up most of the night while Shell was in A and E with chest pains [they did every test but didn't find the cause and sent her home at 5 am!!].
Annie x

Lisca said...

I love country shows. I have only ever seen one in Carlisle and of course the Bath and West show was local to us and where we would go to every year. I love seeing you as Annie get your gun! Such fun.
Amazing sheep, the Lincolnshire longwools.
And those carrots and parsnips! I don't know how they do it. The word elegant doesn't spring to mind when talking about vegetables, but these carrots are elegant!
çLooking forward to more pics next week.
Have a lovely weekend,

mamapez5 said...

I do enjoy the country shows and there seems to be plenty to look at at this one. It has certainly tired Alfie and Daisy out. Hope you have a good week. Kate xx

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Loving that Reward Poster shot, Angela - I'll be giggling over that for weeks, now. 😂

Crafty Claire said...

The sheep remind me of coconut buns we used to have as children, with the coconut shreds on top!

Camila Perkins said...

Thank you for beiing you

Henry Andrews said...

I love seeing pictures of all the different types of sheep.

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