Friday 16 August 2024

Friday Fun Day.

      Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.
I wasn't sure I had much to put on here today but here goes.

Alfie stealing apples again! 
Daisy decided she wanted some too!

A little walk round the garden next.

Pretty flowers.

Gorgeous Hydrangea.

You may wonder why it's in the raised bed but it was a piece that Alfie broke off and I thought I'd give it a chance to survive. I popped it on the edge of the raised bed and here it is.
Gorgeous flower.

The yellow flowers were a gift from my sister-in-law and they fit just right in my mothers Urn that we brought over here when we cleared the house.
It's quite old and came from a big house that was being cleared near the village where my parents lived. My grandfather bought two but sadly let the other one go.

A walk in the park and saw this, no idea what they are.

Back in the house and Alfie is in his favourite place.

It's 'A Dog's Life' or so they say!

This may sound strange as we walk in the park most days but not normally around the church........

It is rather pretty.

With a surprisingly large cemetery.

Think that's enough for today but a few funnies to finish.....

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

Angela x


Lisca said...

Thank you for taking me on a tour around your garden. The hydrangea that survived made me smile. It's obviously happy there.
The orange flower is gorgeous. I have no idea either what it could be.
Alfie looks comfortable. What is he lying on? A sewing machine?
Oh that urn is beautiful! Pity there is only one.
Are you exactly like your dog too? Perhaps, but I can't see you stealing apples, lol.
Have a lovely weekend,

Iris Flavia said...

I never knew dogs eat apples!
Nice you go well with your SIL (mine does hate me).
To fun and smiles - have a great Friday xXx

mamapez5 said...

Your pooches do seem to like apples. I always used to give Kim a generous core when I ate an apple and then I read somewhere that dogs can eat any apple except the core! It never seemed to do him any harm though.
I am pretty sure the lovely orange flowers in the park are simple dahlias. They have so many differnt forms and colours.
I love the way Alfie relaxes on that chair back. he looks so comfy. We all find our own place don't we. Kate x

LA Paylor said...

I love walking around old cemeteries,.... that orange flower is like the fabric one I'm doing in tomorrow's post

Crafting With Jack said...

I love those cartoon pictures, the only one I had to disagree with was a moment in the sun, Dolly loves sunbathing, me not so much!

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