Friday 23 August 2024

Friday Fun Day

      Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Angela here again to show you what I've been up to this week.

Been to see my friend this week for some crafting fun.

She has such a pretty garden.

And so to some crafting fun.

Bubbly washing up liquid, love it.

And some acetate......

coloured with alcohol inks.

Now I need to decide what to use this for.

In the garden this week......

I've let one of the lettuce plants grow and this is what it looks like now!
I just keep taking off what I need but it's massive.
The one on the right with the yellow flowers is Rocket and behind them are Beetroot.

We had a bit of a surprise at the garden centre this week as they are already setting up for Christmas!
I bet Elizabeth will like this......

Had to show you this lovely little collection of flowers too.

I wonder if you can guess where we saw them?
Go on I'll tell you.....
they were on the footpath next to the main road on our way to the park, I'm amazed they haven't been trod on and squashed.

Just a few meaningful words to finish from man's/women's best friend.

And very clean and tidy Lol!

They are also very crafty.

Have a great weekend everyone and
 thanks for stopping by.

And if you would like some more smiles you just need to pop over to see what our other friends have been doing this week at Annie's for
"This Week's Smiles" and you can also share your  smiles too.

I may be late getting round to you all next week as we will be travelling.

Hugs Angela x


Iris Flavia said...

My internet is so slow atm I could enjoy your background for a while - Beautiful, is that your home?
The acetate-art is very cool!
Nonono, no Christmas-stuff yet!!
To flowers and summer!

You make a point with tidy. Too few people pick up after their dogs here and the dark half of the year is "dangerous" for our shoes!

Either way, have a great Friday full of smiles xXx

mamapez5 said...

Your friend does have a lovely garden and it looks as though you had some fun together. It is a while since I played with alcohol inks.
We are only just over half way through the year so we really don't need Christmas dispalys yet! (I do love to see them though).
I thought once letuce went to seed it was done, but yours looks as though it just keeps giving.
Love the little poppy.
Kate x

Lisca said...

How wonderful that you can craft with a friend. And she has a lovely garden!
I smiled at your bolted lettuce. My friends gave me one last week to give to my chickens and I pluck the leaves of and it has lasted a week!
Christmas in August! I was in the UK last year and was surprised to go to a garden center and seeing Xmassy things. But August? But I must admit it is always stunning the way they display everything and I didn't mind at all looking around.
Love the poppy.
Enjoy your weekend,

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