Wednesday 2 March 2022

WOYWW - 665 - What's On Your Workesk Wednesday.

 Welcome to all my new followers, hope you enjoy the journey.

Hi Workdesk friends. 
We are here for another Wednesday at the Workdesk and here is:
"What's on my Workdesk this Wednesday".

If you don't know what this is all about then please visit the
Stamping Ground, our host Julia will explain.

So here is my desk for today!

I had a bit of a sort out with the exploding box and I can actually find things in there now but can't say it will stay like that for very long.
New stamps and dies on the desk that I bought at the Craft Club on Saturday by Julie Hickey.
Nothing much else is different but if you look towards the back and to the right I also have a new date stamp as I decided to start dating things I make, cards and journal pages that kind of thing.

I'm working at the moment on another Retiform Masterboard, this one is a masculine style which is something I never find easy but needs must as they say!
Earlier in the week I posted this too, which you might like:

Instructions for making this card can be found here, hope you like it.

So that's me done for today.

 Thanks for stopping by and hope you will pop over and join in the visits around the other desks.

 I'm off now to see what everyone else is up to.
Have a great woyww 
happy crafting,

Angela x


Helen said...

I don't think I've ever seen your exploding box look so tidy! The new masterboard is looking fab! Take care, happy WOYWW Helen #2

Mary Anne said...

That card looks so fun! I will pop over to the link to see more detail. I HAVE a date stamp, have had for ages, yet I rarely remember to actually use it. Thanks for the reminder.
Wishing peace for WOYWW and every other day!
Mary Anne (1)

Twiglet said...

I love the masculine masterboard - male cards can be so tricky but that will be a very useful piece. xx Jo

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, you’ve been doing lots of different things, I love the steampunk master board and the brightly coloured jellyfish! We have had baby Portuguese Man of War jellies washing up on the beach, tiny but the weirdest colours, like little aliens!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Neet said...

Off to se how yu made that card in a moment but the retiform master board id interesting. I never thought of using retiform in that way. maybe a class is looming in the back of my mind from tnhis. Thanks Angela.
Hugs, Neet xx 4

Diana Taylor said...

You can hardly call your exploding box 'exploding' now - it's looking so neat now! I love the Masterboard - I find it very difficult making more masculine themed cards -that is really fabulous. And I love the jelly fish too, the colours are gorgeous.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #16

Tracy said...

Oh, my giddy aunt just look at your space Angela ... loving it and imagining myself sitting surrounded by crafty goodness! Adore your jellyfish ... singing under the sea now as I type lol ...never used retiform master board before will have a hunt, thank you.Happy date stamping, love and huge hugs have a lovely week in all you do. Tracy #21 xxxx

Mac Mable said...

What a tidy exploding box Angela and looking forward to seeing what you do with that fabulous masculine retiform Masterboard x.

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the masculine retiform masterboard Angela. Date stamps are always so useful for journaling. Well done on pruning the exploding box. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

It's a good idea to date things but I always for get to use mine! A wonderful card, so colourful! Have a lovely week, Angela! xx zsuzsa #14

Crafting With Jack said...

Your new master board is looking good. Looking forward to see what you do with it. Happy WOYWW Angela #13

Lindart said...

Your desk is looking nice and busy, and the Retiform Masterboard is coming along nicely! Your card is very interesting with all the jellyfish and colours! Have a great week, Lindart #23

Crafting With Jack said...

Feel free to keep your teacher’s hat on :) that ties in with what I have read about the subject. Have a great week x

StampinCarol said...

I almost fell over seeing a TIDY exploding box!
Great masculine retiform masterboard!
Love the card! I've used Press & Seal a few times. Great stuff!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #20

Sharon Madson said...

Hi Angela. I really like your masculine masterboard. Lovely card, too. Thanks for the peek. Happy WOYWW. #25

Win Dinn, Artist said...

I'm with you on the masculine masterboard - it's so easy to create for women, but it feels like men really are from Mars in this universe. Always love your Wednesday post, not the least for seeing how that exploding box is coming along. 🤣

Crafty Claire said...

It's all looking very tidy...should spark off the creativity and be exploding in no time! xxx

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